Code Of Conduct

Ganksta Skiz is the Anti-Man. You don't mess with the people with our patches. Therefore, all members should observe certain etiquette criteria on and off the corduroy.

1. If you are skiing and you pass by a Ganksta Skiz member wearing any form of Ganksta Skiz regalia (patch, hat, etc), you are required to acknowledge said skier with a ‘sup’ nod or any other form of recognition.
Exceptions: Use common logic on Race Day and during Intervals

2. During a race, you are not allowed to pull anything stupid against another known member of Ganksta Skiz. Such moves include, but are not limited to:
-Purposefully boxing in
-Cutting off
-Yelling at or scolding (Exception: Rule 7)
-Skiing over pole tips
-Skiing over ski tails
-Not sharing the lead in a draft line (aka Northuging) (fig. 1)
-Grabbing a racer’s poles to steal momentum
-Any sort of sabotage of racer or racer’s equipment before, during, or after race

fig. 1 - Northug's gotta beef with Killer Piller

3. Honor thy fallen brethren, especially if they did all the work for you (fig. 2)

fig. 2 - Come on man, you're not foolin anyone

4. Treat your fellow members as you would your closest teammate, regardless of affiliation.

5. Ganksta Skiz also understands the need to win at all costs. If you’re not a winner, you’re a loser.

6. Always Always Lunge (see figure 3)
fig. 3 - He's Lunging

7. If, during a classic race, another skier is skiing over your tails, you are permitted to yell at them after the second offence. If said skier continues to ski over your tails, you may use your pole to teach them a lesson.

8. Absolutely NO collapsing at the finish unless you are the winner (see fig. 4)
fig. 4 - He didn't win

9. Members must have at least one rollerski scar, preferably gnarly.

10. If you reach such stardom within Nordic skiing that you are hired for a photoshoot, do as Freeman does (fig.5), not Northug (fig. 6).

fig. 5 - Freeman, a man's man

fig. 6 - No Northug. Just No.
11. Stickers are a skier’s currency. No stealing currency.

12. Cold Powder is not to be smoked, inhaled, or snuffed. Cold Powder is for SKIS ONLY

13. Heart Rate Moniter tan lines are considered a sign of masculinity

14. Nordic Eyewear is the fuzzy dice of skiers, and thus needs to be displayed, hung by the head strap, on the rear-view mirror of their ride.

15. Just because you own a ski tie doesn't mean it's yours

16. Always Powerstance The Podium.